
For most businesses today there is a dynamic matrix of driving factors that places many challenges on profitability.

For example: The retail customer demands the best possible price, maximum durability and extreme performance, while the company is trying to maximise profitability.

To meet these demands most companies are looking to lean manufacturing, better materials, optimised production capability and other strategies to be able to compete. 



This is where partnering with Diecast Australia can be your correct path forward.

By using die casting aluminium and zinc as a way to create componentry, you’ll be able to take advantage of these process advantages;

  • Complex shaped product can be produced more quickly.
  • The unit cost gets cheaper the more you make.
  • Durability is comparable to a machined part.
  • Die cast products are lighter as a rule than machined products.
  • Dimensional accuracy.
  • Multiple finishing techniques.
  • High strength to weight ratio.
  • Simplified assembly.
  • No extra inputs are needs apart from finishing or assembly.

It’s easy to see how these advantages can and do regularly contribute to the profitability of the companies we work with on a daily basis.

Example 1
Many of our clients come to us and use our design and process optimisation capability, reducing component cost and enhancing functionality.

Example 2
Most of our clients have dies that have been built for their products. They let us know the timing and the numbers and we can meet their sales demands over the year saving warehousing and logistics issues.  

Die casting could be your way forward in terms of component or product manufacturing. If this is the case reach out to us as to start the conversation of how we can help you be more dynamic and competitive in the market, contact us now.